Monday, October 17, 2005

In a wetsuit you have no secrets...

This weekend was so much fun!! For perhaps the first time, i really felt like i was in Ireland. On Friday morning, all the Butler kids in Northern Ireland hoped on a bus and drove seven hours to western Ireland (republic) to meet up with all the other Butler kids in Ireland in Delphi. AKA middle of nowhere Ireland. It was so beautiful and i took about 50 pictures out the window on the way there as everyone else slept. Unfortunately most of them are blurry or marred by the bird crap on the windshield. I we arrive in Delphi and its basically like a summer camp where you choose activities to do for the day and they feed you summer-camp style and you sleep in cabin-like dorms, etc. You get it.

So because it took forever to get there, we didn't do much Friday night. I climbed the rock wall and then went to bed. Saturday, my morning activity was biking. We biked to the nearest town, Lenane, and back. It was about 18 miles round trip along the hilly, craggy coast of Ireland. It was windy, my ass is still sore but it was soo beautiful and fun. Plus, i was like, i just biked 18 miles in less than three hours--Go me! After lunch it was time for kayaking. Kids, the best/grossest/funniest part of this was the wetsuit. I have never worn a wetsuit, and unless i buy my own some day, i plan never to do it again. Putting on a wet wetsuit and then peeling it off your body, knowing many other people have worn it, was not exactly fun. And let me just say that NO ONE looks good in a wetsuit. Hott people do not look good in wetsuit, not hott people definitely don't look good in wetsuits. In a wetsuit, you have no secrets. Ok, so besides the wetsuit, kayaking was a blast. It wasn't like river kayaking, it was more like open water kayaking. We were basically kayaking in the ocean. It was quite the upper body workout. It was a lot of fun, even though i was looking foward to running some rapids.

Okkk... so after my exhausting day, they had a "disco" for us. It was like a high school dance, seriously. They played songs like "No scrubs" and other older pieces of crap that you wish you could never hear again. So we just sat there and made fun of the drunk people rubbing on each other to TLC. Oh, i didn't mention that the only difference between this and summer camp was that there were two bars available. haha. just a slight difference. So basically, go work your ass off, come back and piss your money away at our bar. Anyway, it was quite funny. The best part was that we were told that all the instructors who work there live for this weekend where they can try and score with American girls. Needless, to say, i'm sure many of them got lucky that night. Kind of sad really.

Sunday was a realllllly long day. Basically 8 hours in the back of a van on windy Irish roads sucks pretty bad. The only redeeming thing was the scenery, which was of course beautiful. However i spent much of the trip huddled over trying to think of other things than the lunch that was making its way back up my esophogus. It seems like i've done a lot of complaining but i really did have a great time on this trip. I want to graduate, learn something i can teach at Delphi and go back and work there. It would be so much fun to be an instructor.


Blogger Catherine said...

you + horse = hott! And that is one of the best expressions I have ever seen.

8:19 AM  

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