Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Somehow, the fact that i managed to travel all around Europe and that i am currently studying abroad in Northern Ireland, makes other things that i want to do seem much more possible. It really is a great thing to check off things on your "Checklist for Life", if you know what i mean. And in the last couple months, i've managed to check-off two biggies, despite the fact there's a lot more of Europe i want to see. Nevertheless, this has given me a confidence boost in the capabilities department. I am freaking living in another country, and that experience in and of itself is indescribeable. I think in December when i return home, i will view it like this: There were ups and downs, good and bad, but this experience has shaped significantly who I am and what i will do in the future. It is an experience alone. I cannot classify it as good or bad. If that makes sense? I have grown in so many ways already, big and small. And growth is one of those cheesy concepts but for example, i'm cooking ALL my own meals. And while i realize that's not that cool, and i'm spoiled b/c i've had meals prepared for me my whole life, it is something that doesn't seem so hard anymore. So now, in light of this new "light" i have a list of things i want to do in the near future that seemed more daunting months ago then they do now.

1. Drive cross-country; not necessarily all at once, but mediumish explorations of the US.
2. Do ASB
3. Get an internship for the summer

4. backpack South America
5. Peace Corps or Teach for America

these are all i can think of for right now, and they aren't that lofty, but we'll see how it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's sbc

5:49 AM  

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