Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Went to Dublin this weekend and it was blast. Zack met us there on Saturday and we did the sightseeing thing. The highlight of that was definitely the Guinness brewery which is this high tower that overlooks the whole city. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed it with our free pints of Guinness. Oh and on the way out i randomly ran into this kid from Vandy that is studying in Dublin at Trinity who was in my english class last semester. He walked up and was like "hey i know you". And i was really confused for a minute and then i recognized him. It was a little awkward but we chatted for a bit. It thru me off guard because i was slightly tipsy from my two pints, so i was kinda disoriented at first and he probably thought i was a ditz. haha. Saturday night was hilarious. We basically did exactly what you'd expect we did in Dublin. Four of us sitting in a pub, pretty tired, and we decide to play Power Hour to get the party started. It definitely worked. New things i learned that night:
--erin randomly knows sign language and busts it out when she is drunk
--catherine is possibly the best drunk person i've ever met, mostly because she is a fabulous dancer.
--french fries are a gauranteed anti-hangover treatment (i had them once in the morning as a cure and later that night as a preventative measure and it was successful both times)

Ok, so i love Dublin. Its a pretty great city. I hope i get back there at some point.

Power hour!
Guinness brewery....
Uhhh...it was just pretend, i swear.
erin "i can say dyke, because my mom is a lesbian" shreck.

my favorite one there.


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