Saturday, October 29, 2005


So I ambitiously decided to go to the library this morning on what turned out to be the worst day yet weather-wise in Belfast. It wasn't that bad on the way to the library, though. So we left the library at 12:30 because that's when it closes. Yes, 12:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday and the library is closed. Sometimes these Irish are so confusing. Slash stupid and annoying. Anyway, went to Starbucks, went to vintage store to look for Halloween costume. Then Katie met me there and we decided to go to the city centre to the knitting store because (another digression!) I am learning how to knit! yay. Long-story-short the weather was horrendous on the walk home and we didn't have enough cash for a cab. How pathetic. The rain and wind were so aweful i wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. I think this picture of my umbrella should illustrate well:

I even tried to throw it away halfway back but it was not having it. That umbrella was determined to piss me off and laugh at me the whole trip back. So it was like a 40 minute walk back with a ridiculous looking umbrella in the gale force winds and rain. Luckily, by some miracle, my new knitting yarn managed to not get wet.


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