Saturday, October 29, 2005

happy thoughts to counter my earlier crappy post.

these are my happy thoughts for the day:
--Puerta Vallarta
--Bread and Co.

theme? i think so...

why can't one of these be located within blocks of me instead of KFC, Pizza Hut, Subway. Heck i would even be happy with a little Chik-Fil-A or Fazoli's. At least i have all that is good-yet-evil in the world: STARBUCKS. I think i'm going to start talking in an accent when i go there so they don't judge me for being the American in Starbucks.

Ireland isn't like going to Italy and you get to eat yummy pasta all the time. Belfast has the "Ulster fry" which is basically heart attack on a plate, breakfast style. I have yet to try it.

This update was prompted by sarina's "fazoli's...mmm mmm good" away message. Arrgh.


So I ambitiously decided to go to the library this morning on what turned out to be the worst day yet weather-wise in Belfast. It wasn't that bad on the way to the library, though. So we left the library at 12:30 because that's when it closes. Yes, 12:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday and the library is closed. Sometimes these Irish are so confusing. Slash stupid and annoying. Anyway, went to Starbucks, went to vintage store to look for Halloween costume. Then Katie met me there and we decided to go to the city centre to the knitting store because (another digression!) I am learning how to knit! yay. Long-story-short the weather was horrendous on the walk home and we didn't have enough cash for a cab. How pathetic. The rain and wind were so aweful i wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. I think this picture of my umbrella should illustrate well:

I even tried to throw it away halfway back but it was not having it. That umbrella was determined to piss me off and laugh at me the whole trip back. So it was like a 40 minute walk back with a ridiculous looking umbrella in the gale force winds and rain. Luckily, by some miracle, my new knitting yarn managed to not get wet.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


zack says to me: "if i have a urethra, then you must have a vagethra. do you even know where it is?"

i thought it was funny.
yes. yes i know where my urethra is.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Went to Dublin this weekend and it was blast. Zack met us there on Saturday and we did the sightseeing thing. The highlight of that was definitely the Guinness brewery which is this high tower that overlooks the whole city. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed it with our free pints of Guinness. Oh and on the way out i randomly ran into this kid from Vandy that is studying in Dublin at Trinity who was in my english class last semester. He walked up and was like "hey i know you". And i was really confused for a minute and then i recognized him. It was a little awkward but we chatted for a bit. It thru me off guard because i was slightly tipsy from my two pints, so i was kinda disoriented at first and he probably thought i was a ditz. haha. Saturday night was hilarious. We basically did exactly what you'd expect we did in Dublin. Four of us sitting in a pub, pretty tired, and we decide to play Power Hour to get the party started. It definitely worked. New things i learned that night:
--erin randomly knows sign language and busts it out when she is drunk
--catherine is possibly the best drunk person i've ever met, mostly because she is a fabulous dancer.
--french fries are a gauranteed anti-hangover treatment (i had them once in the morning as a cure and later that night as a preventative measure and it was successful both times)

Ok, so i love Dublin. Its a pretty great city. I hope i get back there at some point.

Power hour!
Guinness brewery.... was just pretend, i swear.
erin "i can say dyke, because my mom is a lesbian" shreck.

my favorite one there.

Friday, October 21, 2005

yet another reason i love this man.

it doesn't get much better than bill + sponge bob.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

don't see it

Worst movie ever=The Wedding Date

seriously, really reallly really badd.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Somehow, the fact that i managed to travel all around Europe and that i am currently studying abroad in Northern Ireland, makes other things that i want to do seem much more possible. It really is a great thing to check off things on your "Checklist for Life", if you know what i mean. And in the last couple months, i've managed to check-off two biggies, despite the fact there's a lot more of Europe i want to see. Nevertheless, this has given me a confidence boost in the capabilities department. I am freaking living in another country, and that experience in and of itself is indescribeable. I think in December when i return home, i will view it like this: There were ups and downs, good and bad, but this experience has shaped significantly who I am and what i will do in the future. It is an experience alone. I cannot classify it as good or bad. If that makes sense? I have grown in so many ways already, big and small. And growth is one of those cheesy concepts but for example, i'm cooking ALL my own meals. And while i realize that's not that cool, and i'm spoiled b/c i've had meals prepared for me my whole life, it is something that doesn't seem so hard anymore. So now, in light of this new "light" i have a list of things i want to do in the near future that seemed more daunting months ago then they do now.

1. Drive cross-country; not necessarily all at once, but mediumish explorations of the US.
2. Do ASB
3. Get an internship for the summer

4. backpack South America
5. Peace Corps or Teach for America

these are all i can think of for right now, and they aren't that lofty, but we'll see how it goes.

Monday, October 17, 2005

In a wetsuit you have no secrets...

This weekend was so much fun!! For perhaps the first time, i really felt like i was in Ireland. On Friday morning, all the Butler kids in Northern Ireland hoped on a bus and drove seven hours to western Ireland (republic) to meet up with all the other Butler kids in Ireland in Delphi. AKA middle of nowhere Ireland. It was so beautiful and i took about 50 pictures out the window on the way there as everyone else slept. Unfortunately most of them are blurry or marred by the bird crap on the windshield. I we arrive in Delphi and its basically like a summer camp where you choose activities to do for the day and they feed you summer-camp style and you sleep in cabin-like dorms, etc. You get it.

So because it took forever to get there, we didn't do much Friday night. I climbed the rock wall and then went to bed. Saturday, my morning activity was biking. We biked to the nearest town, Lenane, and back. It was about 18 miles round trip along the hilly, craggy coast of Ireland. It was windy, my ass is still sore but it was soo beautiful and fun. Plus, i was like, i just biked 18 miles in less than three hours--Go me! After lunch it was time for kayaking. Kids, the best/grossest/funniest part of this was the wetsuit. I have never worn a wetsuit, and unless i buy my own some day, i plan never to do it again. Putting on a wet wetsuit and then peeling it off your body, knowing many other people have worn it, was not exactly fun. And let me just say that NO ONE looks good in a wetsuit. Hott people do not look good in wetsuit, not hott people definitely don't look good in wetsuits. In a wetsuit, you have no secrets. Ok, so besides the wetsuit, kayaking was a blast. It wasn't like river kayaking, it was more like open water kayaking. We were basically kayaking in the ocean. It was quite the upper body workout. It was a lot of fun, even though i was looking foward to running some rapids.

Okkk... so after my exhausting day, they had a "disco" for us. It was like a high school dance, seriously. They played songs like "No scrubs" and other older pieces of crap that you wish you could never hear again. So we just sat there and made fun of the drunk people rubbing on each other to TLC. Oh, i didn't mention that the only difference between this and summer camp was that there were two bars available. haha. just a slight difference. So basically, go work your ass off, come back and piss your money away at our bar. Anyway, it was quite funny. The best part was that we were told that all the instructors who work there live for this weekend where they can try and score with American girls. Needless, to say, i'm sure many of them got lucky that night. Kind of sad really.

Sunday was a realllllly long day. Basically 8 hours in the back of a van on windy Irish roads sucks pretty bad. The only redeeming thing was the scenery, which was of course beautiful. However i spent much of the trip huddled over trying to think of other things than the lunch that was making its way back up my esophogus. It seems like i've done a lot of complaining but i really did have a great time on this trip. I want to graduate, learn something i can teach at Delphi and go back and work there. It would be so much fun to be an instructor.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Catherine and I went to see Sufjan Stevens on Thursday. It was soo good! I went from being a mild fan to obsessed. I just love it. It was so quirky and different. They did cheers throughout the show and wore cheerleading uniforms. It was great. And Sufjan is really hott. so bonus. All my pictures pretty much sucked though. Oh, and I bought a beer at the concert, which was a highlight. I'm still getting used to the whole, "I'm old enough to buy alcohol" thing. So Catherine and I, like every other Sufjan fan not from Illinois or Michigan are holding out for the album of our state--Kentucky. I mean it would be awesome. But apparantly Rhode Island and Oregon are in the works. Oregon?? KY is so much cooler than OR.

I went on a big adventure weekend that i just got home from a few hours ago, but i'm too tired to write about that, so i'll leave it for tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

highlights/lowlights of the wednesday:

1. went to starbucks and read A LOT. = productive, yay!
2. Got a package from my mom's best friend=awesome, double yay!
3. sliced my finger open trying to use a cork screw to open package=yes, i am a spaz.
4. locked myself out of room in all the excitement of injury and package=shit, that's lockout 5 of the 10 i'm allowed before they charge me 25 pounds.
5. rinsed the bottom of my jeans off in my sink so i don't have to wash them before the weekend. haha.
6. had a random, but quite good dinner with some wine to make myself feel better. and a cookie from my package to top it all off.

Monday, October 10, 2005

if i don't know you from atom (sic?) please do not comment, it's effing annoying. Thank you.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

no regret

good news--my mom coincidentally sent me my own little silk change purse that had earrings in it. so i can return the other [stolen]* one without much regret.

Zack leaves in the morning and we had a good weekend, i think. I hope he and his mom had a good visit. Zack and I watched the Bob Dylan documentary by Martin Scorcese, No Direction Home, and it was pretty fascinating. If you like, music, history, politics, think BD is sexy or all of the above you'd probably enjoy it. However, he is quite a weird guy. So we spent about three and half hours total, with a litre of Magner's each, and watched it tonight. A good wrap up to the weekend. Alas, back to class tomorrow. I have to start hitting the books, i don't really feel like school has even started yet.

Friday, October 07, 2005

mail time, mail time maaail time!

so i just got my mail which they put in a generic "J" box and i definitely opened someone else's mail. It was addressed to "miss c johnston" and i was really excited that i had a letter so i tore it open and realized that i knew no one from sheffield, england and that this letter (which is unsigned and has a gorgeous little silk change purse in it) was not for me.:( How sad. This mail system sucks, its not private, or secure. Someone could be stealing MY mail too. I'm tempted to keep the change purse, which also has a toe ring or something inside. But i should probably return it. It has no note or anything so technically it could be mine....

i also got my monthly Butler study abroad newsletter. oh joy.

since i'm so pathetic that i steal people's mail, you should probably send me something to ease my clepto- problem. here's my address ;)

Caitlin Johnson (NOT just C please)
Elms Village, Rowan 6 room 201
78 Malone Rd
Belfast BT9 5BW
Northern Ireland

ps: zack is coming to visit today! yay!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Yay! it worked. This is Katie, Catherine and me in Navan, Ireland holed up in our room drinking Bailey's while on our family homestay because it sucked that bad. However that is a long story for another time. I'm sure at some point i'll be bored enough to write about it though. Or i might just put a link to catherine's blog because she told a very funny, though accurate, account of it.

First post!

so i know i keep starting new ones of these but i decided i liked the style of this one, so i started anew. and i'm in a new country so i think that deserves a brand new "blog." So more about Ireland at a later time. I wanna figure out if i can post pictures in this thing.